Friday, January 4, 2013

Dukan Attack Phase Day 3

Dr. Dukan recommends you weigh every day.  I can see that this would be motivational as long as you are losing the weight.  I lost another pound as of this morning for a total of 2.8.  Not bad for two days.  My husband, who doesn’t need to lose any weight, claims he lost 5 pounds after the first day…AWRG!  No matter.  As long as the numbers keep going in the right direction I’ll be happy.

I whipped up some SF FF jello pudding last night.  This time it was butterscotch and white chocolate.  I have some of each with me for today.  I’m going to hold out as long as I can since that is what I am craving the most. 

Today will be a real test for me.  I have to do some field work today along with a few coworkers.  They want to eat lunch while we are out, at a really super terrific Chinese buffet L   I have two options, bring my packed lunch with me, or see if I can eat off the buffet and still stick to the Dukan principles.  I think I will bring a piece of the chicken I packed, just in case.  I do know this buffet has boiled shrimp and roast beef.  I should be okay with those.  They also have several types of fish, but it’s usually swimming in some kind of butter sauce.  Best to stay away from that!

 Here's my breakfast for the day:  

I took my oat bran pancake, spread on some fat free cream cheese, sprinkled on a little fat free shredded cheddar and added some imitation crab meat.  All in all it was pretty tasty.  I think it would have been super with a little less cream cheese and a warm pancake.

Well, I went to the Chinese buffet and did just fine.  It was very tempting to cheat, just a little, but I was able to be good.  I had a pile of boiled shrimp, some imitation crab meat I took off the top of a couple of sushi, a piece of chicken with the skin removed and two slices of roast beef.  I'm not sure how I managed to stick to the diet.  It was really difficult to see three other people eating all my favorite things.  I would not recommend eating out, especially during the Attack Phase.  Still, I do feel a sense of accomplishment now that I made it through.  I feel like the rest of the day and this weekend will be okay.

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