Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dukan Attack Phase Day 4

Another pound lost after three days for a total of 3.8 pounds!  I'm still holding my breath when I step on the scale.  I'm just waiting for that day I step on and it shows no change, or worse, a gain!  Oops, this is the year of OPTIMISM.  Maybe I should remind myself of that each morning before stumbling out of bed.  That might be a good idea.

Breakfast was the usual oat bran pancake with a diced up hard boiled egg wrapped up in it.  Pretty good, very portable.  

I decided that since I am a member of our local YMCA, perhaps I should start going again.  I tried a class this morning called Yo-Pi.  I'm sure you can guess, it was a combination Yoga and Pilates, which I've never attempted.  I used to do the Yoga thing years ago.  It was pretty strenuous and I had a difficult time of it overall, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that my balance wasn't as bad as I had imagined.  I was even able to hold some poses the instructor had problems with.  Trouble came when she started doing core moves, namely the plank, and  all other moves that required lifting my weight.  Sigh.  I'll keep going and hopefully I'll get better at it.  In truth, it felt good to move again.

Lunch was just a piece of baked chicken breast.  I made up some more SF FF pudding.  We seem to be going through that pretty quickly.  I'm not sure if there is a limit to how much you can have.  I don't think there is, I hope there isn't anyway.  

Non-fat and sugar free yogurt is allowed on this plan, but the only yogurt I could find that meets that criteria is plain yogurt.  I've never been a fan.  Until today I only used it in place of mayo and for marinade on chicken dishes.  Then I had a thought!  I added one packet of Splenda French Vanilla to a bowl of plain yogurt.  It was a little strong so I just added more yogurt till it tasted right.  It was terrific!  Then I decided to go one step further.  I added one drop of orange extract....VOILA!  Creamsicle fat-free, sugar-free yogurt!

Here's a photo of the Splenda.  My store keeps it in the coffee/tea isle.

Dinner was a rotisserie chicken.  It had just been taken off the spit, hot, fresh and really moist!  We placed the bones and skin into a pot of water and cooked it down to add to our dogs meals.  They love a little chicken broth and whatever meaty parts we can get off the bones.

Tonights snack was some vanilla SF FF pudding with a small dollop of SF Cool Whip.  I'm not positive is the Cool Whip is really allowed, but DH insisted on it.  Lastly, I had a few pieces of imitation crab meat.  I'm still surprised how good that tastes.  Maybe I'll have a little in tomorrow mornings omelet.

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